Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Website of the Day: Get Rid of Things

I was sitting on my couch the other day and found myself staring at my bookshelf. Although some of you may think you can never have enough books, the truth is, I have more than enough books. In fact, I started cleaning out said bookshelf and have now narrowed down my library to just about half the amount of novels, instruction manuals, and reference titles than when I started. But the only problem? What the heck do I do with all these books that are now living in a box in the middle of my apartment?

According to Get Rid of Things I could use the paper for scrapbooking, paper maché, or I could even dye my own paper for crafts if I wanted to. Sure, I could sell the books online (if I had the time), but this sounds way more fun. And that's the cool thing about Get Rid of Things — it doesn't just state the obvious ways you can get rid of unwanted books, but you'll find useful tidbits on how to get rid of cellulite, weird smells, and your husband. Just please read that last one with caution.

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